Some of our greatest needs right now include:
Donations......We are at supply emergency levels! If you have anything you think folks can use - bring it. Check the list pinned to the top of our Facebook page for hourly updates on the greatest donation needs.
Volunteers......We have a massive volunteer need. We need 100 people per shift to go out into the community to clean out homes and to help with donation distribution here on campus. If you can help - we welcome you!
Campus Clean-up......Clean up efforts at the HNW campus is underway. It's a massive project and we literally need 100 people per day to help with this effort. We need people to help demo as well as with disinfecting items we can keep. Bring your work boots and we'll put you to work.
The needs in our community are great and we know that with your help we can meet some of those. To stay up to date on our needs go to welovehou.com, check out our Facebook page, or text "@hnwserve" to 81010.