Sep 6, 2017    Steve Bezner    #WELOVEHOU

Karen Stamps, Team Lead | karens@HNW.org

We have been working diligently to unload trucks from all over the city to then send out this afternoon to shelters all over TEXAS! Cool stories are happening EVERYDAY. God is the God of logistics. He is TRULY working out certain details we have no idea about. We are trusting Him.

For instance, World Vision brought us a huge truck this morning that we are getting out to shelters, such as one in Tyler Texas, that took in over 2000 evacuees in East Texas (many whom were children and women). The truck happened to be full of hygiene supplies that this particular shelter needed at the moment. Do you catch what God is doing? He is at work, everyone!! He’s just inviting us to be apart of HIS amazing work!!

If you are an organization that wants to bring supplies or need them at your shelter - contact Karen Stamps | karens@HNW.org

Chris Hall, Team Lead | chrish@HNW.org

Individuals around the city and even the country and have showing up ready to get to work. There’s more to be done. Please check out IMMEDIATE needs around the community by going to muddingout.com to check areas around Houston that NEED help now. We are counting on the community at large to take innitiative in meeting these needs, so get after it.

See the need and get it done. - muddingout.com

If you’re a group or an organization coming into town, please email Dwight Davis, first. He is helping to coordinate all teams coming to join Houston Northwest Church in our effort of Flood Relief around the gulf coast.

Dan Worrell, Team Lead | danw@HNW.org

Because of YOU (volunteers), we are already able start getting our drywall up in the 249 building. The Administration/Children’s building is being dried out at the moment and we hope to be able to drywall these walls by next week (not guaranteed / a lot of structural damage has been identified).

We are working towards moving our children and special needs area into the 249 buildings within the next couple weeks. Please be patient with us as are working towards becoming fully operational again. It will take time.

Want to help with facilities? We need contractors with special skills who work with sheet-rock and more to join in the efforts. If that’s you, please contact Dan Worrell.

HNW Staff is currently working towards officing in the building behind the church, formally known as New Life. Our phone lines will be up soon! Please be patient and contact us via email.

Thanks for all you’re doing and thank you for doing with us! We are Houston Strong and believe God is stronger and ultimately has a reason for all of this. He getting us ready for future ministry. He is making a way. Trust and believe.