Sep 3, 2017    Steve Bezner    #WELOVEHOU

DAILY UPDATE | Sunday, 9.3.2017 | PLEASE SHARE!!!

We are now moving from RELIEF to RECOVERY. The city of Houston is NO WHERE near being fully restored from the flood. There is so much more to be done and it will certainly not be done overnight. So, if you live near by or you're out of town, just because the buzz from the news dies down doesn't mean the need isn't there. IT IS and we need you :)

Today, we gathered, we worshipped, and we celebrated what was accomplished throughout the week. We were blessed and encouraged through a message on Daniel 3 form Pastor Steve. After each service, teams met in the worship center and then quickly scattered into the surrounding neighborhoods to continue mudding out homes.

Through out the day today, volunteers will be mudding out homes, cleaning out the church, helping with laundry, praying over individuals, organizing donations, and more…we don't plan on stopping.

A location for Donation Drop-Off will be in the back of our campus behind our 249 Building. For info on what’s needed, where to drop-off and where items will be distributed - please contact Karen Stamps | karens@HNW.org

We still need help mudding out homes throughout the week. The sooner we get our homes done, the sooner we can help mud out home of everyone else around us. There are so many that need help!

WANT TO MUD OUT? Text the message “@hnwserve” to the number 81010. You will get updates throughout the day about where to meet and what’s needed.

WANT TO HELP WITH HNW FACILITIES? The church facilities are close to being done, but you can still help! If you’re good with contracting work and tools - we can use ya. Text the message “@hnwcleanup” to the number 81010

IF YOU’RE A GROUP FROM OUT OF STATE - Contact Dwight Davis dwightd@HNW.org

Thanks for doing this with us! We are one church out of MANY that are getting after it to hope Houston recover form a devastating blow from Hurricane Harvey. But remember, we are all in this together.