Soltando el control
March 7th, 2022
Buscad a Jehová mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que está cercano. 7 Deje el impío su camino, y el hombre inicuo sus pensamientos, y vuélvase a Jehová, el cual tendrá de él misericordia, ...  Read More
Cuando no entendemos lo que Dios está haciendo
February 23rd, 2022
Echa tu pan sobre las aguas, que después de muchos días lo hallarás. 2 reparte tu porción con siete, o aun con ocho, porque no sabes qué mal puede venir sobre la tierra.3 Si las nubes están llenas, de...  Read More
When Holiness Seems Pointless by Steve Bezner
February 18th, 2022
“Do not quench the Spirit.”—1 Thessalonians 5:19Somewhere along the way, holiness lost its luster.The priests in the Bible wore a sign on their foreheads inscribed with the words, “Holy Unto the Lord....  Read More
When You Are Tired by Steve Bezner
January 29th, 2022
I do believe; help my unbelief!—Mark 9:24I wanted to quit in June of 2020. I was tired, for a number of reasons. Our church had just emerged from a 26 month-long rebuilding process in the wake of a hu...  Read More
When You Feel Hard-Hearted by Steve Bezner
January 21st, 2022
But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first.—Revelation 2:4The world feels harder these days.I don’t use the word “harder” in the sense of more difficult, although you co...  Read More
The Failure of Liturgy by Steve Bezner
January 17th, 2022
In later years, evangelicals have discovered liturgy. We are reciting more creeds, confessions, and prayers than ever before. We are taking the Supper more often. When I was a child, most Baptist chur...  Read More